Branson, Mo - June 2004

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street scene Route 76 near our condo.

We saw a number of shows all of which were good. However, the main street of the Branson theater district, route 76, is not all that attractive. This is too bad, because Branson is located in some very pretty Ozark countryside. In addition to beautification, route 76 needs better sidewalks and better traffic control.

theater One of the theaters where we saw a show.

duck An amphibious duck takes to water on Table Rock Lake

We also rode a duck through some scenic countryside and then on Table Rock Lake. A “duck” is an amphibious vehicle used during WWII. There are two places that one can ride in a duck for amusement – Table Rock Lake near Branson and the Dells in Wisconsin. I have done both which, I suppose, is some sort of accomplishment.