
March 2017

Kaua'i is the northern most and the oldest of the populated Hawaiian Islands. Kaua'i is oldest by virtue of the fact that the volcano that created Kaua'i, Mount Wai'ale'ale, started erupting before the other Hawaiian Island volcanos. The entire island is a result of this volcano's eruptions.

Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge

The refuge, on the northwest side of Kaua'i, is a great place to observe birds. It is one of the few places in the world whare one can observe the endanged Laysan Albatross, as well as many other unusual birds. While we did see many albatrosses, my attempts at photographing them failed. I caught images of the blue sky.

Kilauea Point Kilauea Lighthouse
Kilauea Point


Kauai There are a number of feral chickens on Kaua'i. Since they tend to hang out near food establishments, most are easy to photograph.
Kauai Bill had a lava tube at Lapert's.
Kauai Coconut Grove
Kauai Opaekaa Falls
Kauai Surfers near the port town of Nawiliwili