If you have come to this page expecting images of subatomic particles speeding around the four-mile racetrack and exploding into other subatomic particles, you are on the wrong page. This page contains my images of Fermilab from an excursion with the photo club. The club’s intention was to photograph the sunset and try our hands at star photography. We arrived before sunset. The weather did not cooperate. With low lying clouds and the threat of rain we settled for images of buildings and other artifacts, all taken well after sunset.
A Möbius strip is a surface that has only one side and one edge. This is a sculpture of a Möbius strip.
You would think that moving a subatomic particle would take only a small amount of power. Subatomic particles, even protons, are small. Moving small things, just a little, does not take much of a push. However, to get those little guys to travel at the speeds needed to make something interesting happen takes a pretty substantial push. Hence, the fancy substation.