Tallinn was a real crowd pleaser; most of our fellow tourists loved it. Excellent weather helped. The old town consists of medieval buildings which were a lot of fun after the Norwegian 19th century buildings. To me the old town of Tallinn did have “Renaissance Faire” feeling tho’.
Getting around the old town in a wheel chair was a challenge. The streets and sidewalks are cobblestone. Steps abound. Bill gets a hero badge for pushing me around and up and down, and I get a hero badge for hardly ever shrieking.
The upper old town seems to be primarily a tourist destination. There were a large number of shops devoted to souvenirs, amber jewelry, and linen clothing.
The Estonia excursion included a meal. Our group had a “medieval feast” at the Olde Hansa. This event did not get high ratings from many of the members of our group. The candles were the only lighting; the food was unfamiliar to most – especially those from the US west coast - and it was difficult to see the food in the dim candlelight. Food was served family style in wooden bowls.
Generally, I liked the food. While probably not medieval, the menu seemed to use mostly local ingredients. Here are some of the things that I remember eating:
The lower old town seemed a bit less touristy and more the place that locals go for entertainment.