Blackie and Me

It happened a long time ago.

Blackie as a puppy

Blackie was my grandfather's dog. My father took these picture at my grandparent's house in Bureau, Illinois.

I think that my dad had fun taking these pictures. After all, puppies and small girls are a cute combination. Dad set up the poses for these first three photos. He was especially pleased with the results of the third picture.

Blackie Blackie, a snappish puppy, was trying to bite my finger.

The grown-up Blackie

Little girls and puppies grow up. Blackie was an adult dog in this next set of photos. Alas, neither one of us were as cute as in the first set of photos. I wish that I could say that Blackie and I were best friends. Not the case. Because Blackie was unruly and played rough, I did not like Blackie at all.

Until the mid1950s, when most towns enacted leash laws, dogs like Blackie ran loose. While Blackie was fairly well mannered away from home, he was territorial at home, threatening anyone who entered my grandparent’s unfenced yard. This behavior made him unpopular with the neighbors.
